Tuesday 19 February 2019

Lion and Dragon Dance

Look at our gorgeous students in Room 7. It was a special day.

We learnt about the drum and cymbals that talk in special patterns to the lion for it's movements.

After we learnt all about lion dancing we had a demonstration with the drums. We all enjoyed having this experience from E-PACS Lion & Dragon Dance Group. Thank you very much!

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Room 7 Picasso Self Portraits

Picasso was a Spanish painter and sculptor born in 1881. He is the co-founder of cubism and is one of the most influential modern artists of the 20th century. He is most known for his abstract paintings of faces. It is obvious that the painting is of a face although it usually showed a profile view.

Look at these fabulous artists.

"Every Child is an artist." - Pablo Picasso.

There is a great deal that children can learn from Picasso's work. How closely colors are related to our emotions, for example, or how art reflects not just the artists emotional state, but the state of society as a whole. Many of Picasso's works have lots of layers and depth, but that doesn't mean that children can't do activities based on them!!

Well done, you guys are rocks!

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Thursday 14 February 2019

Wild Splash 💙😬

On hot days, it's such a great way to cool off but there is much more to water play! Water Play provides hours of rich and valuable learning experiences to develop children's creativity and imagination.

Love is in the air ❤️

"There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved." – George Sand.

Room 7 have made a heart for each staff at Sunnyhills school today to celebrating Happy Valentine's Day. It was a lovely surprise in our staff room.

Saturday 9 February 2019

The Walking Bus 🚌

On Friday Wanda The Walking school Bus and Claudia visited to talk about The Walking School Bus. Anyone can join and walk to school with friends.
Come on everyone join up and make walking to school more fun!

Thursday 7 February 2019

First Day at Sunnyhills School ❤️💙

 First Day at Sunnyhills School ❤️💙

Hello Welcome Back to school, I hope that you have had a wonderful summer holidays and are ready for our AWESOME Room 7! There will be a year full of discovery ❤️💙

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