Friday, 22 November 2019

Bigfoot Bike Skills

This week on Monday and Tuesday were the days that Bigfoot people came to teach us how to keep safe and also told us some tricks. 
In the first lesson they taught us how to put on a helmet correctly. I passed that one. Soon when everybody was finished we all went out and grabbed a bike. I like the idea of that they have bikes that we can use because we all sometimes forget. 
Day two, they taught us more bike skills. It was pretty cool. The skills they taught me were actually pretty good. It was fun! I was in the high group so we got to learn a little bit of how to keep safe on the road. But sadly it was the end of the lessons, I wish I could learn more.

By Ryan Wang

The first bike lesson was learning how to ride a bike safely. Everybody was pumped and excited, but some people like me, Lucas, Andreas and so on, didn’t want to. Before we went on our bikes we had to learn how to wear helmets. Next we had to check if our bike was safe. The four things we needed to do was to check the wheels, the quick release, check the brakes and see if there is a reflector on the bike. The second thing we needed to do was to ride the bike but I had to practice a bit before I could ride with the others. On the second lesson we learned how to signal and look back properly. It was terrifying because when I looked back, I would be scared of bumping into someone. We also had to do a quiz about what we learned.

By Nathan Cazar

Day One

Today I learnt how to put my helmet on safely do you want to know how to do it, well you don't have a choice i'm telling you it. When you have your helmet you first have to check uncase your helmet has any cracks if you do stomp on your helmet break it and buy a new one. Step 2, loosen up your helmet then put it on your head and tighten it up and finally you clip it then your helmet is successfully checked.

Day One Activity Two

There are 5 special rules you have to check so your bike is ready. Number one, Your red reflector thing that is the law so you must have one on your bike. Your lever thing on your wheel has to be tight or else you lose your wheels they will just fall off. Number 3, Your seat needs to be up to your waist at all time because it is the safest thing to do

Day Two

Today we got to play games we played red light green light and slow, slow means slow, red means stop and green means go. After that we learnt our signals for our indicators and when you are going to stop. For our last and final game we play two rounds of a game when you need to not crash and touch the ground I won the second game by the way.

By Oscar Lee

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